The third law of Newton's Laws of Motion state that for every positive force there is an equal negative force, or words to that effect. It makes sense, really. If that didn't happen then the whole Universe would get out of kilter pretty quickly. So it is with life. So it is with good and bad.
If you think of yourself as a set of scales, when you do good for others, then you create an imbalance. Some goodness has left you. That creates the gap for good things to happen to you. This is the law of Karmic return. The really interesting thing about all this is that you can do good to person A and get good back from person Z. In the end, it all balances out. Now, don't expect an instant return. The Universe does not work like that and will not be hurried. But trust me. Do good things and good things will happen to you.
The reverse is also true. Do bad things and bad things will happen to you. Now of course, all this sort of stuff doesn't all get balanced out in the course of a month, a year, or even a lifetime. Some people do so much good that they sometimes leave the planet before that good has had a chance to come back to them. Maybe that 'goodness' gets paid back in another realm? Or maybe that left over goodness is used to balance the books of someone not so angelic. Who knows?
What I do know (for certain) is that if you do good things, then good things will follow. In many and unimagined majestic ways. Don't believe me? Try it and see. Go on. Do something 'good' every day for the next month and see what happens. Here's a starter list for you, but please feel free to add your own:
- Do a good deed for a neighbour, friend or stranger.
- Start a conversation with a homeless person. Buy them lunch.
- Recycle. Compost. Burn less carbon. Use less water.
- Donate to a worthy cause.
- Smile at a stranger.
- Start a conversation on a train or a bus.
- Give someone a hug.
- Offer unconditional friendship to someone who needs it.
- Do not kill things (including non malarial mosquitoes, cabbage, white butterfly caterpillars etc. etc.)
- Throw a dinner party. Invite friends and someone who needs some company.
- Volunteer
- Tell someone that you love them
- Bless someone
- Say thank you
- Cherish YOUR body
- Help someone in trouble
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