Journey With Myself Promotion : Promote to win a top level domains + Hosting!

This is a promotional giveaway where you could win the following prizes: Top Level Domains [Like *.com *.org *.in etc] Premium hosting for 1 year Many domains This promotion will run from Sunday, 12th October’ 2011 to 31st October’ 2011 00:00 hours (mid-night). Result of the promotion will be announced on within a week and prizes will be distributed to all the winners in the next 3 weeks’ time.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Kanyadaan - Mahadaan

We talk about women advancing in their careers and lot more other things. But it is sad to see that there is actually no advancement in the thoughts of the people. It’s time for us to change and advance our traditions a bit. Girl should no longer be treated as paraya dhan, there should not be dowry system at all, the girl’s parents should not feel bad about staying with their daughter after she gets married. Why should an educated girl stay at home “to look after the family” against her wishes?...

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Make it "The Women’s Century"

It is basically the creation of an environment where women can make independent decisions on their personal development as well as shine as equals in society. Women want to be treated as equals so much so that if a woman rises to the top of her field it should be a commonplace occurrence that draws nothing more than a raised eyebrow at the gender. This can only happen if there is a channelized route for the empowerment of women. Our future depends on women. All around the world, women...

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