We talk
about women advancing in their careers and lot more other things. But it is sad
to see that there is actually no advancement in the thoughts of the people.
It’s time for us to change and advance our traditions a bit. Girl should no
longer be treated as paraya dhan, there should not be dowry system at all, the
girl’s parents should not feel bad about staying with their daughter after she
gets married. Why should an educated girl stay at home “to look after the
family” against her wishes? Is it only her family? Is it only her
responsibility? Even the working women are expected to come home from office,
do the house-hold work, take care of the children’s studies, and lots more. The
men supposedly come home tired from work. What about the women? Aren’t they human
too? They too have their space.
If we consider all these factors and try to balance them a
bit then society can be much better. Girls are never burden on the parents. She
is equally important as a son.
I have learnt in my history classes that in ancient India,
women had a position of great respect, importance, and admiration. How did this
erode over the period of time? Why do the people still have the ingrained
attitude that believes in the worthlessness of a girl? Why do people feel that
a girl is a curse on the family? Why are people who are avid followers of Maa
Durga or Vaishnav Devi pained at the birth of a girl in the family? If a
girl is educated and is earning as much as boy is, in what way is she less
appealing than the guy?
I feel a
guy should always understand and respect their wife and their parents. He should
also take care of her family like she does for him and his family then only
harmony can be created in their married life for forever. In marriage equality
is a key rule always.
is often dubbed as Mahadaan (donation of the highest order). It is one of those
irrefutable rituals the father of the bride is entrusted with the 'sacred
responsibility' of performing kanyadaan to his son-in law as one of the
greatest daans during the wedding ceremony where they give their most treasured
possession to him for lifetime.

BUT Daughters
are not voiceless cows that they should be gifted away to anyone. Guy should
understand their duties and responsibilities of taking this Mahadaan and must
feel obliged to receive this sort of unconditional love which he will be
getting for his life. A Guy must be thankful to God, her wife, her parents and his parents for everything they recieve from them in marriage.
Trong xu thế hiện nay, nhu cầu mua sắm hàng nhập ngoài của người dân tăng cao. Kênh thương mại điện tử Amazon tại Nhật bản cũng đang được nhiều người tiêu dùng tại Việt Nam chú tâm đến. mua hàng trên amazon ship về việt nam đã và đang được rất nhiều người tiêu dùng Việt Nam sử dụng để mua những mặt hàng ở Mỹ, và Nhật.
order hàng nhật uy tín đã và đang được nhiều khách hàng sử dụng
dịch vụ order hàng nhậtngày càng phát triển với những phương châm mang lại nhiều thuận lợi và tiện ích cho quý khách hàng sử dụng
chuyển hàng từ nhật về hà nội nhanh chóng với hàng ở các tỉnh thàn lớn đặc biệt là Hà Nội.
Các doanh nghiệp muốn nhập khẩu hàng hóa từ nhật bản hãy liên hệ ngay với chúng tôi để nhận được những ưu đãi tốt nhất.
Hy vọng dịch vụ chuyển đồ từ nhật về việt nam sẽ mang lại nhiều sự hài lòng từ quý khách hàng.
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