A regular practice of reflection and review helps you recognize patterns, gain insight about your work and relationships. Its good to celebrate and appreciate achievements and gestures, and puzzle out what helps and hinders progress. Journaling itself will improve your inner work life, lifting your emotions and aiding cognitive processing and adaptation. Religiously take ten minutes out of your day to reflect, vent, and celebrate.
Here is an interesting last fact for you. Making decisions is all about our intellectual capability, right? I thought so too, turns out, that's completely wrong.
The way our brains are built make it necessary that emotions "cloud" our judgment. Without all that cloudy emotion, we wouldn't be able to reason, have motivation, and make decisions. The science behind what motivates us to get up for work every day is the art to start and maintain consistency in doing whatever you want to, after a while it becomes your habit and you'll just do it!
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